In some circumstances, you may need to move funds from one registration to another. For example, a customer may wish to move a single registrant to another registration, or you may need to transfer a registration that can’t be moved with the Move Registration tool.
The general steps to transfer funds from one registration to another are the following:
- Make the changes to the first registration such as deleting the registration or removing a registrant.
- Adjust the balance of the first registration to show that the funds are no longer applied to that event. If you’re deleting the registration, you’ll use the Adjust and Delete feature. If you’re modifying the registration, you’ll follow the steps to edit the registration and adjust the balance at the end of the registration process.
- Create or modify the second registration, such as adding a registrant or entering a new registration for a different event or program sessions.
- Adjust the balance of the second registration to transfer the fees to the second registration.
Instructions to search for a registration are located here.
Modify the First Registration and Adjust the Balance
Follow this procedure to modify the first registration and adjust the balance.
- Modify or delete the registration, and display the Adjust Balance page.
* If you’re changing a registration, locate the registration, make the changes, and save the changes to the registration on the payment page to display the Adjust Balance page.
* If you’re deleting a registration, locate the registration and click Delete. Then, click Adjust and Delete to display the Adjust Balance page. - In the Adjustment Type menu, select Offline Refund.
- In the Total Adjustment field, enter amount of the registration fee to be transferred.
- In the Adjustment Description field, enter the reason for the adjustment.
- At the bottom of the page, click Adjust. A confirmation dialog box will be displayed.
- Click OK. The balance will be adjusted and the Transaction History will be updated.
- To leave the page, click Done.
Add Funds to the Second Registration
After you’ve modified or deleted the first registration and adjusted the balance for the funds to be transferred, follow these steps to apply the funds to the second registration.
- Create or edit the second registration.
- Display the Adjust Balance page.
* If you created a new registration or modified an existing registration, click Save on the payment page.
* If the registration already exists with the correct information and you only need to apply the payment, locate the registration and click View Payments. Then, click Adjust Balance. - In the Total Adjustment field, enter the amount of the funds that you’re transferring.
- In the Adjustment Type menu, select Offline Payment.
- In the Adjustment Description field, enter the reason for the adjustment.
- At the bottom of the page, click Adjust. A confirmation dialog box will be displayed.
- Click OK. The balance will be adjusted and the Transaction History will be updated.
- To leave the page, click Done.
- To issue a receipt to the registration owner that shows the funds were applied to this registration, click Issue Receipt.
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